What's MofuMerch?
MofuMerch is a webshop operated in the Netherlands that works together with artists from all over the world to deliver high quality merchandise at an affordable price while also making sure the artists get paid a fair amount of money for their work through royalties. We started off small with just posters, but since then we've grown and branched out to offer even more stuff.
We've got a wide collection of posters from several series and even some original content from the artists themselves so there's always something for someone. On top of that we're also constantly working to get even more things available, for now it'll be posters, keychains and stickers, but in the future we hope to have wallscrolls, mousepads and maybe even dakimakuras.
Not only do we work with artists to be their one-stop shop, offering an easy and off-hands solution to all their logistical needs, but we're also happy to assist when it comes to trying out new projects such as unique merch that needs a more specialized production process. We'd also like to offer the ability to supply those interested with things like banners, flags and other things they might need to truly make their booths shine!

About Me
A lot of people on the web know me by Tamamo, since she has remained my favorite character for the last few years & I'm terrible at coming up with usernames.
I'm just some guy from the Netherlands who once wanted to buy posters from my favourite artist to support them. After asking them on social media they pointed me to a small Canadian webshop at which they sold their stuff at, one thing led to another and now I'm working with them to help deliver amazing art all while making sure the prices stay affordable for customers.
About The Artists
We've talked to and worked with several artists to see if they're interested in working with us. We ask them if we're allowed to print their older works but also commission them to make newer works specifically for our store. We make sure to pay them a fair amount for their work and they also receive royalties on each purchase of their product. Thus by buying at our store, you are also supporting the artist.